M&A activity sets growth against value
Equities have moved higher again this week, with gains made across global markets. Even China put in another week of positive returns, following the largest ever-cut to the five-year housing loan prime rate (admittedly only 0.25%). Government bonds have not done so...
UK not growing really, not growing nominally
As regular readers will know, we tend not to comment on UK matters as much as some, partly because the investment portfolios we manage for UK clients are quite globally focused. But the UK as our home is important to us and...
US stock market entering bubble territory?
This was the week when the US large-cap equity market shook off the rest of the world and marched to yet another new milestone. The S&P 500 traded above 5,000 for the first time on Thursday night. It also shook off another...
Central banks challenge Goldilocks assumptions
The first month of the year is behind us and, despite what many expected, returns were positive for most investors. Following the initial hangover from last year’s tremendous Santa Rally, risk asset markets continued on their upward trajectory. That was until the...