Tatton Core
The Tatton Core Portfolios are a hybrid mix of passive and actively managed funds effectively blending returns from the two strategic approaches. This hybrid approach marries the advantages of both passive and active strategies during investment cycles and reduces overall cost.
We have two strategic asset allocations – the Classic which is the most familiar to many investors since it has a higher allocation to UK based investments and the Global which exploits the opportunity of the wider global economy without the comfort of a slightly more UK centric allocation.
The Tatton Core portfolios use our six-stage investment process to ensures our investment team’s ideas and standards are applied consistently for all of our investors.
The funds we select invest in UK and global equities, fixed income, alternatives and cash.
The value of investments can fluctuate and it is possible that investors may get back less than the amount they invested.
Benefits at a glance
- Classic and Global allocations
- Actively managed blend of active and passive funds
- Lower cost of investing