Money MarketTatton Money Market

The Tatton Money Market risk profile offers clients the potential to receive a return on cash that tracks the Bank of England base rate more closely, than most instant access UK bank deposit accounts. We believe that for many clients the main driver for moving assets is making more money, not the security of the provider, such as a bank, therefore providing the potential for a ‘don’t have to do anything for the same return’ alternative is attractive and offers value.

Concerns and investor fatigue from market volatility, coupled with rising interest rates have made high street deposit accounts attractive to lower risk investors for the first time in over 15 years. Rather than just shielding investments from equity risk for no real gain, cash can now offer a ‘reasonable’ return.

However, to access cash returns most clients assume that they need to remove invested capital from platform based portfolios and put the money on deposit with a bank – an assumption made more attractive by the disappointing returns on cash offered by most platforms. The challenge is that, like any market timing decision, once money is removed from a portfolio and is placed on deposit, moving the money back into a portfolio becomes more difficult – particularly for lower risk investors.

Benefits at a glance

  • Lower risk to investors
  • Comprised of the best-in-class Money Market Funds
  • More diversified than holding cash at one bank

At a glance

  • 0.15%

    Annual management charge (AMC)

  • 0.12-0.15%

    Ongoing Charges (OCF)*

Risk Categories

  • Money Market
    Tatton’s money market portfolio invests in money market funds that track the Bank of England Base Rate and as such is different to all other risk profiles. The portfolio invests 98% of the portfolio value in money market instruments and retains a 2% cash weighting.

* as at June 2023, based on Balanced risk profile

Tatton Money Market team

  • James Saunders, CFA

    Head of Portfolio Management

  • Anthony Graham, CFA

    Investment Manager

  • Adam Rawling, CFA

    Multi-Asset Strategist
